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What are the main symptoms of the flu?

Flu season is pretty much here as the fall comes into full swing! As more people stay close together indoors during gatherings, work, and school the flu has a greater chance of spreading from person to person.

The best way to protect against the flu virus is with an updated flu vaccine known as a “flu shot.” Patients that do not have a flu shot are likely to experience a lot of irritable and fatiguing flu symptoms.

Diagnosing the flu early can help most patients prevent further diseases, treat the disease faster, and ensure that they are ready to coordinate any symptom treatment that they may need. Make sure that you consider getting a flu shot, since it is by far the most effective way to prevent the latest flu virus.

Fevers are the first sign that patients have the flu

A sudden or unusually high fever is the first sign that you have a flu infection. Before any other common symptom, the fever is the initial symptom of a greater flu virus infection.

Unlike other diseases, the flu usually causes immediate symptoms after just a day or two, sometimes up to three. However, in those first two days a patient is likely to have a fever along with any other common symptoms. Make sure you monitor the severity of any strong headaches or a potential fever for a day or two. Follow up any symptoms by visiting a nearby urgent care provider to coordinate new treatment.

Immediate flu symptoms include sneezing, coughing, congestion, and sore throat among others

When the flu has fully spread throughout your body, then you’ll begin to notice some traditional symptoms of the flu such as sneezing, coughing, congestion, sore throat, and general respiratory irritation.

During this time, breathing becomes harder and your body is fatigued as it fights of the influenza virus. Usually, patients will need extended rest or days off in order for their body to completely fight off the flu virus.

Vulnerable patients may be hospitalized from the flu virus!

Many patients may not fully realize that the flu can especially impact the health and safety of vulnerable individuals, which leads to hospitalizations. Patients that have trouble breathing, asthma, respiratory issues, or auto-immune deficiencies may have more serve symptoms that require intensive hospital care.

To avoid the flu, simply visit a nearby urgent care center to get your flu shot and receive seasonal flu treatment for any potential flu-related illnesses!