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It is very important that you realize that your insurance is a contract between you, your employer, and the insurance company. Centennial Medical Group, P.A. is not a party to that contract. All charges that you incur are your responsibility from the date that the services are rendered. If your insurance company doesn’t make payment to Centennial Medical Group, P.A. within 60 days of the time of service, it is your responsibility to pay those charges. Centennial Medical Group, P.A. cannot leave an open balance on your account indefinitely waiting for an insurance company to make payment. There may be times when you will have to pay us directly and settle with your insurance company after the fact. If at any time we receive a payment from your insurance company after you have paid us, you will receive a refund promptly.

Insurance Plans Accepted

Payment Plans

Payment plans will be considered on large balances. Contact our billing staff for assistance.

Medical Records Fees

If you request that we transfer your records to another primary care physician there is a fee for the service. We base our fees on the recommendations of the Medical and Chirurgical Society of Maryland. 

Insurance Charges

If your insurance coverage changes it is your responsibility to notify us of that change immediately. If a change goes unreported, there may be charges that ultimately remain unpaid due to filing limitations of the insurance company. In this situation, you will be responsible to pay all of the charges in full.

Third-Party Physicals

A third-party physical exam is one that the patient has because someone else requires them to do so. Examples of this type of exam are college or school physicals, daycare physicals, DOT or work physicals, camp or sport physicals, etc. This type of exam is not covered by insurance and must be paid for at the time of service. We cannot alter the reason or diagnosis of the exam to “get the visit paid.”

Completion of Forms

Quite often patients request the physicians to complete a variety of forms outside of a visit with the physician. Completing a form requires time from the physician’s day to review the patient’s chart and complete the form accurately. Therefore, we do charge a nominal fee for this service of up to $40. These charges are per patient and the fees are payable in advance.

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