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Chronic fatigue and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is caused by a variety of illnesses and physical conditions that cause patients to experience extreme feelings of tiredness and loss of energy. Even though CFS is a complex condition it is treatable by primary care providers and medical professionals. Centennial Medical Center’s primary care team offers chronic fatigue treatment to address the multiple underlying causes of CFS.

The causes of chronic fatigue can range from hormonal imbalances, viral infections, and physical ailments. A primary care team can determine the cause of your fatigue as well as provide the necessary treatment and referral options for patients.

If you need any more information, or questions, about our services and chronic fatigue treatment please call directly at 410-730-3399. If you’re interested in learning more about chronic fatigue treatment please keep reading below!

How does Centennial Medical Center treat chronic fatigue?

The team at Centennial Medical Center determines the symptoms, causes, and treatment options needed to improve chronic fatigue. The term chronic fatigue includes the combination of all health issues that cause patients to lose energy and feel constantly fatigued throughout the day.

The basic symptoms of chronic fatigue that we can determine at our primary care clinic includes (but is not limited to):

  • Extreme fatigue
  • Loss of memory or concentration
  • Sore throat
  • Unexplained pains or aches
  • Headaches or sleeping difficulty

Chronic fatigue treatment at Centennial Medical Center can help treat the causes of fatigue including viral infections like the flu, immune system problems, chronic pain, and related ailments that are consistently impact your energy level. If you believe you need treatment, please contact us today! We’re ready to provide the high-quality local healthcare you expect!