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Mother Knows Best

Medical Care in Elkridge, MD

Your mother was probably the first person you ran to when you got hurt or had a tummy ache.

Here’s some health advice your mom probably gave to you over the years that you neglected.

  1. Get your rest: There’s a reason why your mom put you to bed at a certain time every night, to make sure that you were getting the proper amount of rest. If your sleeping habits have been inconsistent over the years, try sticking to a sleeping schedule and go to bed at the same time every night.
  2. Don’t skip breakfast: Breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day, and sets the tone of your eating habits for the rest of the day. Incorporate whole grain oatmeal and cereal, as well as a piece of fresh fruit to complete your breakfast meal.
  3. Wash your hands: Mom always emphasized washing your hands, so make sure you’re still practicing good hygiene and washing your hands regularly throughout the day.
  4. Stand up straight: If Mom saw you hunching over your desk right now, she’d probably cringe! Practice good posture by standing and sitting up straight.
  5. Get your annual check-up: Getting your annual check-up should be on the top of your to-do list when it comes to maintaining your overall health. A yearly check-up detects underlying health conditions that may go unnoticed.

If it’s time for your yearly check-up, sure to visit one of our medical professionals at Centennial Medical Group.  We’ll go over your medical history, conduct a full physical examination, and provide any medical education on how to adjust your lifestyle.

For more information about our physicals and primary care services, call us at 410-730-3399 or stop by today!