Spring is coming around the corner in all its glory and beauty. With Spring arrival comes the seasonal changes, and to people who are sensitive to the season shift, spring allergies are on a high priority list to watch out for. The good news is that you don’t have to put up with your symptoms helplessly. There are some simple remedies that can offer immediate or temporary reliefs.
Nasal Lavage
Nasal Lavage is one of the best ways to deal with allergies symptoms that have to do with your nasal cavity. All you have to do is to create a saline solution by mixing 1 teaspoon of salt, a half teaspoon of baking soda and 16 ounces of warm water. Then, put the mixture into a nasal aspirator and spray the solution into one of your nostrils. The saline solution will flow through the nasal cavity and exit the other nostril. By doing this, you will reduce/eliminate the mucus and open your sinus passages.
Honey is famous for its power against bacterias and allergy pollens. It is widely studied, and scientists have come to realize that the bee pollen in raw honey boosts our immune system and fight off the allergies. If you are experiencing bad allergies reactions, three teaspoons of raw honey a day will help alleviate the symptoms.
Stinging Nettle
While stinging nettle possesses stinging hairs, it is proven from clinical studies that it could be very effective in alleviating sneezing and itching symptoms. This is thanks to its ability to relieve the level of histamine in your system. Stinging Nettle can be used in various forms including tea, soup, pills or infusion. Two cups of stinging nettle a day can certainly boost your immunity during seasonal change months.